药师祈福法会 Medicine Buddha Blessing Puja



透由个10月的药师祈福法会,诚意邀请大家携带眷属来参与诵经供养,消灾祈福,吃素护生希望能借由药师如来的慈悲愿力,愿人人能解脱一切灾难,身心平安健康、家庭和乐 ,社会和谐、世界和平 

Natural disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic, floods, fires, etc. are still happening around the world. These affect physical and mental health of individuals, causing family issues, disrupt work and study and even impact socio-economic, causing turmoil in the hearts and minds of the people around the world.

According to “ The Sutra of Medicine Buddha”, the Medicine Buddha, regarded as the Buddha of the eastern pure land of Vaiduryanirbhasaor Pure Lapis Lazuli, had made twelve great vows to bless all sentient beings, wishing that all their wishes be fulfilled, illnesses be eliminated, and be liberated from misfortune. Hence, he was known as the Buddha of Healing and Medicine.

By participating in this October’s Medicine Buddha Blessing Puja, you and your family are invited to pray for blessings through chanting,  offering and consuming vegetarian food. Through the compassion of the Medicine Buddha, may everyone be liberated from all disasters, be physically and mentally peaceful, have family and social harmony and world peace. 


活动 Activities

-恭药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》 Chanting of “The Sutra of Medicine Buddha” 

-供灯、供花 Light offering, Flower offering 

-儿童节目 Children programs  

-素食义卖 Vegetarian food bazaar 

祈福供养 Blessing Offerings 

祈福供养线上登记开放至20221029 中午12pm   

Online  Offerings Registration open until 29 Oct 12pm. 


查询号码 Enquiries: 

李东霖 Lee Dong Lin 016-232 0234 

苏桂云 Soh Kwi Hoon 016-636 6590

办公室 Office 03-7802 8401 

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