文殊菩萨圣诞 Manjushri Bodhisattva's Birthday


《佛说文殊师利般湼槃经》说: “若礼拜供养者, 生生之处,恒生诸佛家,为文殊师利威神所护。” 


The increase in natural disasters on a global scale has hindered our wishes of attaining happiness and eliminating sufferings. What should we do? 

 Manjushri Parinirvana Sutra says: “If you worship and make offerings, you will be born in Buddhist families for many lifetimes, and be protected by the Manjushri Bodhisattva.” 

The fourth day of the fourth lunar month (Wednesday, 4 May 2022) is the birthday of Manjushri Bodhisattva. On this day, we sincerely invite you to take refuge, recite sutras, take vegetarian meals, and make offerings. With collective virtuous deeds, let’s supplicate and dedicate to all sentient beings, may everyone be free from disasters and sufferings, and attain ultimate happiness physically and mentally! 


线上节目 Online Programmes

日期 Date: 2022年5月4日(三) 

时间 Time: 10am – 11am  

内容 Content: 恭诵《大般若经》Recitation of The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra 

平台 Platform: 

供养登记截止 Offering registration due by 3 May 2022, 11.59pm 

供养项目(Offering Items)


查询 Enquiry: 

董玉萍 Ms. Joanne 012-2953248  林沩沁 Ms. Lim 016-9511166  莫凤玲 Ms. Mok 012-3908148  蔡春凤 Ms. Chai 016-7183928 

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